We are Citizens Opposing Re-Election of Mayor London Breed.



San Franciscans are ending their support for incumbent Mayor London Breed, emphatically making BREEXIT this November 2024. Voting her out of office is one of the most profoundly important decisions we can make, for the benefit of our residents, businesses and tourists in our beloved City by The Bay. We cannot reward London Breed with 4 more years in office. BREEXIT is coming.


Join San Franciscans voting

Make the pledge now: Do not vote for London Breed this November. Leave her off your ballot entirely, ensuring she will not be re-elected to office.

Its Time For Breexit


Top Ten Reasons

Mayor London Breed entered office July, 2018 and over the past 6 years, she's brought to San Francisco:

1. First and longest in nation Covid lockdowns devastating our small businesses and tourism

2. Defunding of $120 Million from SFPD, as well as cuts to Sheriff's Department

3. Hospitality, tourism and retail collapse, costing tens of thousands of middle-class jobs

4. Record downtown office and shopping/retail vacancies, eroding the business tax base

5. Unconstitutional Reparations, Race-based and Gender-based programs and initiatives

6. Hundreds of millions of dollars wasted on funding and grants to unaccountable nonprofits

7. Crime spike with smash-and-grabs, shop lootings, street vending of stolen goods, failure to allocate law enforcement resources

8. Drug dealers roaming freely and associated crime and drug use, despite promises to crack down

9. Safe Injection Sites initiatives, which are unlawful under federal drug possession, drug consumption and distribution laws

10. Her insane $16 Billion budget which is 50% higher than when she first came to office in 2018



Failed on Safety, Homelessness, Economy

Mayor London Breed has failed

Public Safety Concerns: Despite Breed's initiatives like increasing SFPD police budgets and deploying technology, there's still considerable public dissatisfaction with crime rates in San Francisco. Moreover, the city's Sheriff's office has been defunded. Jails are overcrowded, outdated and understaffed. Breed's focus is on releases over punitive rehabilitation. Even if crime statistics show improvement, public safety hasn't been adequately restored to satisfy the majority of San Francisco residents. Property crime is significantly affecting our quality of life.

Housing and Homelessness Crisis: While Mayor Breed has pushed for policies to increase housing, including converting office spaces into residential units, the pace and impact of these changes is too little too late to justify her being re-elected. The crisis of homelessness remains visible and challenging. Breed hasn't made significant progress in reducing visible homelessness or in providing enough affordable housing solutions. This issue touches on broader economic and social policies, where the expectation for quick, visible improvement is high and often unmet.

Economic Recovery and Business Climate: Post-COVID recovery efforts, like revitalizing downtown areas into 24/7 neighborhoods, are ambitious but do not translate into immediate economic benefits for all sectors of the city's economy. Small businesses, a cornerstone of San Francisco's charm and economy, still feel unsupported or overburdened by city policies despite Breed's efforts. Her economic narrative does not resonate with or benefit small business owners or low-income residents directly.


Breaking Law, Corruption, Unconstitutional Giveaways

In 2020, Mayor London Breed unjustifiably took $120 Million of taxpayers' money allocated to SFPD and used it to set up her pet project: The Dream Keeper Initiative. This act is one of a long list of race-based, unconstitutional programs and newly-created commissions she has been funding, in violation of state and federal law. Her Dream Keeper Initiative, aimed at supporting San Francisco's Black community, involves significant funding of certain individuals or groups unfairly over others based on race, a blatant violation of the Civil Rights Act - which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Breed's Dream Keeper Initiative targets and benefits one racial group specifically, which under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, discriminates against others not of that group.

Mayor Breed's ethics violations, including previous campaign finance issues and accepting gifts from subordinates, has damaged her public image and by extension, her governance in San Francisco, and undermine trust in the city's overall leadership.

Download a list of London Breed's Reparations Plan's violations >> Summary Here


Unsustainable Annual Budget

Mayor Breed's annual city budget is insane

Overreliance on One-Time Funds: The budget's dependence on one-time funds, like legal settlements or reserves, to close deficits suggests a lack of sustainable revenue streams. This approach can lead to future fiscal instability as these funds are not renewable annually.

Inefficient Spending and Project Management: Breed focuses on large expenditures that won't yield proportional benefits - or are managed inefficiently. Projects that overrun costs or fail to meet objectives contribute to budget unsustainability by draining resources without sustainable returns.

Despite Breed's efforts to balance the budget, issues like increasing pension liabilities, healthcare costs, and unfunded mandates could lead to recurring deficits. If revenue growth doesn't match expenditure increases, even balanced budgets might be unsustainable in the long term, requiring constant cuts or temporary fixes.


Of Course, Lots of Finger-Pointing

London Breed refuses to accept personal responsibility and is quick to blame others. For every controversy and failure, she will point the finger at her opponents, at media or ignore the issue altogether - refusing to respond. Silence. In these trying days, San Franciscans need a responsive and credible mayor which we can have confidence in to lead.


"It's astounding that London Breed dare run for re-election with such a poor track record. Coupled with unconstitutional, race-based programs, blatantly discriminatory policies and shocking diversion of taxpayers' funds - to her favorite Black initiatives - in violation of the US Constitution, Civil Rights Act and Supreme Court rulings, we San Franciscans simply cannot forgive and forget. Her initiatives enrich her friends and associates. Scandals and improprieties continue to be uncovered, this simply must stop. Voters have the ability to end Breed's career right now. Breed doesn't belong in office, she belongs in the courtroom, facing prosecutors. We demand justice."


It's time for BREEXIT.


All Queries: office@breexit.org